cliinngg... hehehhehe...
lama gag muncul... :D
mumpung lebarane belon abis Admin ZiEVeR 0930 mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri... Mohon Maaf Lahir Batin... Maafin yakk.. :D
okayy.. kali ini ZiEVeR hadir dengan trik menhapus iklan pada aplikasi android yg ndownlodnya free.. heee
pada risih kan kalo HP android sahabat ZiEVeR keluar iklannya... :P
nihh triknya.. langsung sedott mawonn.. :)
Download AD Blocker & Data Toggle (Full Version)
AD Blocker & Data Toggle adalah aplikasi yang berfungsi untuk menyingkirkan banner/ advertising / iklan yang disematkan pada aplikasi gratis android.
Ad Blocker ini bekerja pada perangkat rooted dan non-rooted. Setelah di-install, jalankan aplikasi ad blocker. tunggu beberapa saat karena ad blocker ini akan mengumpulkan informasi aplikasi yang terdapat pada android anda.
pilih aplikasi dan pilih block
cara kerja ad blocker ini adalah menonaktifkan fungsi “DATA USAGE” ketika aplikasi yang diblock dijalankan. data usage akan diaktifkan kembali setelah aplikasi beriklan dimatikan.
semoga berguna
Deskripsi di google market :
Block embedded AD of Android apps and games. Works on normal (non-rooted) phone.
AD Blocker can auto block the embedded advertisement of Android apps and games. If you hate AD or want to avoid adult AD when your child is playing game with your phone. This tool can help you. This tool works on non-rooted phone.
★ How It Works
When you open the preselected app, it will auto cut off all Internet connections, so this app can’t fill any AD in it.
When you exit the preselected app, the internet connection will be restored automatically.
★ Mobile Network Toggle Widget
AD Blocker also provide a mobile network toggle widget, you can toggle it to turn on/off mobile data connection.
★ Note
1. Works for NON-ROOTED and ROOTED phone both.
2. Some apps may still show AD after blocked, it’s because of AD cache, it cannot request new AD indeed. You can try to stop it and reopen it again.
3. This tools cannot be used to block the app that really require Internet connection, such like IM app, browser, online game, facebook, twitter, mail, etc.
4. It blocks the embeded AD of apps only, cannot be used to block the AD of web pages.
5. Detail guide:
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